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Title:   ΠΜΣ Εγκληματολογίας: Η Σύγχρονη Εγκληματικότητα και η Αντιμετώπισή της. Τμήμα Κοινωνιολογίας
Type:   Links
Description:   The Postgraduate Criminology Program of the Sociology Department was institutionalized in 2003.The Program, entitled “Modern Criminality and its Confrontation”,is of two-year duration and leads to the Postgraduate Specialization Diploma. The Program and the Diploma are recognized by the state in Greece. The organization and structure of the Program lead the postgraduate students to the development of interest as well as specialization on the issues of modern forms of criminality, its prevention and confrontation in general - as subjects of empirical research and critical thinking - as subjects of designing well-aimed and effective policies against crime, which are located at the center of both modern scientific interests, and the national and European broader policies. The Program aims at the creation of a pool of specialists capable of reinforcing the public and private organizations in crime confrontation. Objectives of the Program The general objective of the Program is the further education and sensitization of postgraduate students on the importance of researching and registering modern criminality, as well as their familiarization with the theoretical corpus and the research methods on these issues. The Program aims at the further encompetence and enrichment of the theoretical, practical and teaching knowledge produced from the Postgraduate Criminological Studies Seminar. (The Postgraduate Criminological Studies Seminar is active at Panteion since 1984, initially under the scientific responsibility of Professor Alice Yiotopoulos-Marangopoulos, and from 1988 up to the present of Professor James Farsedakis. It constitutes the initial starting point and provides the necessary knowledge and further learning capacity for the development of a specialized field for the study and examination of the modern crime phenomenon.) The Program contributes to the enlargement of knowledge on anti-crime policies and programs as they are set by the modern international problematic; in accordance to the HumanRights as being proclaimed by the Greek State, the European Union and the International Organizations; as they are anticipated by the Constitution, the international agreements and the relative legislation. The Postgraduate Criminology Program constitutes an integrated action for the development of postgraduate studies relating to the social problems stemming from the qualitative and quantitative change of criminality, since it combines multi-leveled interventions in scientific, social and political life. The study program, the teaching methods, the multi-university and multi-scientific cooperation of teachers, the social activity of the University and the publicity of the effort will significantly contribute to the solution of problems in areas of national priority. For example, the organized crime, the illegal trafficking of human beings, the trafficking of pornographic material, criminality related to new technologies and biotechnology, economic crime, computer crime, modern forms of corruption, terrorism, crimes against the environment, as well as problems of local priority, such as the prevention of street crime, the consolidation of a feeling of security, the restriction of the fear of crime etc. Occupational Opportunities Graduates from the Postgraduate Criminology Program have the opportunity for employment as researchers in public and private organizations. Moreover, they can work in the Probation service, the Commission Office for Youth; various social offices (state, municipalities, private); Ministries (of Justice, of Social Order, of Interior, of Education, of Social Services etc.); the Criminality Prevention Councils; prisons; various centers for the prevention and control of social exclusion (homeless, ex-prisoners, ex-drug addicts, unemployed, immigrants etc.); centers for the support of crime victims (women and children victims of violence etc.) and all cases of victimization. The scientists trained at the Postgraduate Criminology Program have the ability to form and offer proposals, and provide solutions on the issues of modern criminality and anti-crime policies, as they are specialized for the confrontation and dealing with exactly these kinds of problems.
Subjects:   Criminology


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